Leon Chateau

© 9yan913


RP Guidelines

As you may know, the development and interactions that comes from this account are strictly for 18+. I really don't think I have to explain it further. If I get too descriptive, lemme know okay?

As for Servant numbers, only two will suffice. I ain't a hoarder and this man DEFINITELY doesn't have enough mana to carry all that baggage.

And lastly as for shipping goes, I really don't mind it. Multi ship with chemistry of course. I think of it as a bonus to have for his development in the near future.

Please feel free to DM me about anything else if you have comments or concern, I don't bite! I appreciate feedback and any RP interactions.


Witchcraft: Leon's signature magecraft and what strove him to become a magus today. He primarily focuses on dark magic that falls upon the lines of potions, medicines, spirit exorcism, and curses that use a material medium.Mystic Eyes of Binding: Leon casts a suggestion spell that cripples the target upon eye contact.Hand-To-Hand Combat Expert: Rather than relying on his own weapons or equipment such as his bo staff, Leon excels in close combat through his own means of martial arts.


© Temari114

A trustworthy individual whom masks his inner demons of vengeance with a carefree and slick demeanor. He often uses his natural charisma to get close to people, either to use them as assets to assist him with his search by forming small gangs, or just to hang out. It is evident that he carries an atmosphere of humbleness and insight, sharing his words of wisdom to those whom are in need of them, or to those who are unfortunate in the streets. Despite this, his anger and vulgarity knows no bounds when it involves those whom are close to him being harmed.


© Temari114

Name: Leon Chateau

Birthplace: New Orleans, LA, USA

Nationality: Haitian-Creole (French descent)

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 200 pounds

Likes: Money, compassion in those around him, guns.

Dislikes: Arrogance, people who picks on the weak, having no money.

Height: 6'8"

Age: 26


It is unknown as to why Leon was abandoned as an infant, only for his baby carriage to be sailed across the treacherous bayous of Louisiana. A group witches, outcasts of society, whom resided in the swamp, would come across his carriage, taking interest in the child to raise him as their own. By the age of 5, they would give him knowledge on the dark arts of their witchcraft, such as potions, exorcism, and even curses. The training regime was extensive for a child at his age, but with enough care that he had received from his caretakers, his childhood seemed to be balanced out.As Leon matured in his teen years, he began to sharpen up his prowess as time flew, catching up to his predecessors. They would even attempt to call him a prodigy of their own dark arts, but the greater power would become, the more problems would arise. There were times that him and the others would become outcasts to the streets, shunned by the inhabitants that lived further away from the bayou.Leon would soon take the initiative to depart from the tribe to broaden his horizon and amplify his abilities of the dark arts, within different parts of the world, such as Africa, China, and some parts of Europe. Upon his arrival, he noticed that his village was charred in an aftermath of a blazing inferno that occurred not too long ago, leaving only a few survivors after its destruction. Heartbroken by this, Leon vowed to discover whom was behind this arson attempt with what little leads that he has acquired by the survivors.